Integrated ceiling keel machines play a crucial role in producing light steel keels, which are essential frames used to support and structure the ceilings in various applications. These keels serve as the backbone and substrate for home decoration, providing stability and functionality. When installing integrated ceiling keels, several straightforward methods can be employed:

C-Type Light Steel Keel (Single-Layer Structure): When using C-type light steel keels for a single-layer structure without additional load-bearing requirements, you can employ the following method:

  • Secure the C-shaped keel to the ceiling using booms or light hangers.
  • Hook the lower end of the keel onto the sides of the C-shaped keel, ensuring a stable and straightforward installation.

T-Shaped Main Keel (Lightweight Suspended Ceiling): For lightweight suspended ceilings using T-shaped main keels, consider this installation method:

  • Utilize matching T-shaped keel hanging pieces for installation.
  • Leave the upper hanging rod unconnected.
  • Secure the lower part of the keel by clamping it with the T-shaped keel hanging piece.
  • Alternatively, you can use galvanized iron wire hanging rods that pass through the keel and are tied securely with hooks or knots.

Keels Carrying Additional Load: When dealing with keels that need to support additional loads, follow this method:

  • Utilize keel hanging pieces and the ferrule part of the lower end of the steel bar for secure connection.
  • Tighten the nut to ensure a robust and load-bearing installation.

The interface of light steel keel production equipment allows for easy and efficient installation. T-shaped keel connectors can be used to fix the connections between keel sections. For the secondary keel and main keel, they can be simply plugged and connected without the need for additional accessories. In cases where the ceiling carries additional loads or is of substantial size, U-shaped loads may be required. To install these, follow these steps:

  • After installing the keel, connect the U-shaped main keel to the suspender using U-shaped keel (main keel) hanging pieces.
  • Connect the T-shaped longitudinal keel to the U-shaped main keel using T-shaped keel hanging pieces.

These installation methods provide structural integrity and stability for integrated ceiling keels, ensuring a secure and reliable ceiling structure.

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